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Epsilon Sigma Phi - Alpha Rho Chapter

ESP Alpha Rho Committees

View a list of our 2021- 2022 Committee Members

Committee Responsibilities:


Annual Recognition Banquet Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Make general arrangements for the annual banquet, including site, menu, decorations, seating guests, program booklets and other arrangements
  6. Work with the chapter president on the banquet agenda.
  7. Work with the editor to prepare the program booklet
  8. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in the annual banquet.
  9. Report the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Constitution and Bylaws Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Study the national constitution and bylaws, the national council minutes and the chapter constitution and bylaws to ensure that guidelines are being followed.
  6. Present recommended changes to the chapter constitution, bylaws, and policies and procedures to the chapter council.
  7. Study national and chapter officer and committee guidelines and suggests revisions in chapter guidelines when necessary.
  8. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Endowment Auction Committee

  1. Work with Extension Annual Conference Committee to determine what sort of auction will be held. (E.g., a live auction during the Fun Night in 2019)
  2. Beginning in August-September begin to solicit auction donations. For the live auction each association was allowed 5 items. Auction items should have a value of at least $50.
  3. Collaborate with JCEP leadership in the planning of the all-association auction.
  4. Work with the JCEP treasurer to settle accounts and get ESP's proceeds from the auction.
  5. Make sure Michelle Gieber in Extension Operations gets the proceed check to deposit in the Endowment Fund.
  6. Send thank you notes to auction item donors.
  7. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, and in the annual report.


Global Relations Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities. 
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee 
  5. Explore and share ideas and resources to help members learn about international extension opportunities
  6. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in global opportunities. 
  7. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Work with the treasurer to get a list of individuals who have not paid dues. Give the names to the council directors to contact those individuals to remind them about paying their dues.
  3. Work with president in planning and applying for national Achievement in Chapter Membership award.
  4. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  5. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee.
  6. Work with the editor to keep membership brochure up to date.
  7. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee.
  8. Develop strategies to recruit and retain members.
  9. Four months prior to Annual Conference request from Extension Operations Office a list of individuals who are new extension professionals during the past year.
  10. Consider other extension professionals who are not ESP members and develop strategies for contacting and inviting them to membership.
  11. Send potential members (new faculty as well as those employed three years or less who have never been members) a membership invitation, information about dues, details about the annual banquet and initiation ceremony. Confirm receipt of dues and remind new members to register for the recognition event at Annual Conference.
  12. With the treasurer, submit names of new annual, life and transfer members for the annual report and program book at the recognition event.
  13. Order creed and pins from National ESP to present to new members during initiation ceremony.
  14. Conduct initiation ceremony for new members at annual banquet. Have them sign the new initiates book.
  15. After annual conference send items (creed, pin, etc.) from initiation ceremony to those who were unable to attend.
  16. Work with the president to identify someone to present an overview of ESP membership to new extension professionals attending new agent program development session.
  17. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Memorial Committee 

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee.
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee.
  5. Upon the notification of death of a K-State Research and Extension faculty member or retiree send condolences to the family from Epsilon Sigma Phi.
  6. Four months prior to Annual Conference request from Extension Operations a list of KSRE faculty and retirees who have died during the past year and arrange for an appropriate written summary and memorial ceremony in their honor.
  7. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in the work of this committee.
  8. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Nomination Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Identify persons from membership to fill officers, directors, and Endowment Fund Board of Trustees vacancies and submit slate at annual business meeting.  See the nomination schedule at the bottom of this page.
  6. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in the nomination process.
  7. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report.


Professional Development Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Serves along with the chair elect as representatives for ESP along with the ESP President-Elect to the
  3. United Association Conference Planning Committee.
  4. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  5. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  6. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  7. Inform members about national scholarships, mini-grants, and professional development scholarships.
  8. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in professional growth.
  9. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Recognition Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference.  Review and develop a plan to carry out committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee.
  4. Work with webmaster (Mary Hellmer) to update website with current information about this committee.
  5. Inform membership of national scholarships and mini-grants.
  6. Explore additional opportunities to engage members in recognition.
  7. Report the accomplishments of this committee at each council meeting, the annual business meeting and in the annual report.
  8. Review descriptions, criteria and application forms for chapter recognition and national recognition.
  9. Make appropriate changes for consistency.
  10. Solicit nominations for chapter recognition four months prior to due date.
  11. Receive applications, process and send to selection sub-committee and inform recipients. (Administrators do not need to send a letter of support only a yes or no about supporting the candidate.)
  12. Notify the recipients of the Friend of Extension and the Retiree honoree. The chapter sponsors their registration and registration for one guest to attend the recognition event. Additional guests may attend at the regular cost of the event.
  13. Secure presenters for the recognition event at annual conference. This has typically been the person who nominated the recipient.  The chair- elect has had the responsibility for securing presenters.
  14. Secure recognition gifts for recipients:  framed certificate for individual awards plus a $20 gift card; Team awards, individual certificates in folders and one $20 gift card for the team.
  15. Recognize recipients at annual banquet, in newsletter and annual report and other appropriate places.
  16. Secure a photographer for the recognition event.  (This is usually a member of the chapter.)
  17. Send digital photos to webmaster for posting on website. Work with webmaster to place photos and description of recognition recipients on the website.
  18. Support and encourage chapter recipients in updating application and meeting criteria for national recognition.  Keep recipients and chapter aware of national deadline.  Serve as the official liaison between nominees and national.
  19. Update history of recognition recipients. Mary Hellmer is currently maintaining this history of recipients.
  20. Work with webmaster to update the committee chair name on application forms.


Resource Development and Management Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Solicit and receive budget requests from incoming committee chairs for the next year.
  6. Analyze chapter assets and anticipated expenditures and assist the treasurer in preparing a balanced budget.
  7. Conduct an annual audit of the financial records and report to the membership at the annual business meeting.
  8. Explore additional opportunities to secure resources to meet the needs of chapter.
  9. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Retiree Committee

  1. Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Encourage extension retirees to continue their member ship and participation in ESP
  6. Collect information about the activities of ESP life members and other extension retirees and submit to the editor for publication in the newsletter.
  7. Determine ways that retirees can become actively involved in the chapter and assist the chapter in planning and implementing activities designed specifically for retired members.
  8. Plan and implement a fellowship event for ESP life members, retirees, friends and spouses during the annual conference.
  9. Promote retiree participation in the annual banquet during annual conference.
  10. Explore additional opportunities to engage retirees.
  11. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report. 


Tenure Recognition Committee

  1.  Convene committee after annual conference. Review and develop a plan to carry out the committee responsibilities.
  2. Explore resources for this committee on the national website.
  3. Submit a budget request for next year to Budget and Audit Committee
  4. Work with webmaster to update website with current information about this committee
  5. Request budget from Budget and Audit Committee
  6. Four months prior to Annual Conference request from Extension Operations Office a list of ESP members who have 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 years of service. Notify these individuals that they will be recognized at the annual banquet.
  7. Secure recognition gifts for recipients.
  8. Conduct recognition ceremony at the annual banquet.
  9. Recognize members in the newsletter, website and other locations determined by the committee.
  10. Explore additional opportunities to recognize members.
  11. Report on the accomplishments of this committee in newsletters, at each council meeting, the annual business meeting, and in the annual report.