Keeping up with Research, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station

Understanding the Perceptions of Producers Regarding the Ogallala Aquifer Use: A Survey Report, SRL144

Keeping up with Research: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Riparian Forest Buffers in the Tuttle Creek Reservoir Watershed of Kansas ,
SRL143, 730K
Austrian Winter Pea,
SRL142, 174K
Volunteer Corn in Fallow, SRL141, 314K
Evaluation of Soybean Varieties for Iron-deficiency Chlorosis, SRL140, 550K
Walnut and Scotch Pine Trees Grown with Farm Crops, SRL139, 225K
Weed Control with Imazaquin and Pendimethalin around Newly Planted Shrub and Tree Seedlings, SRL138, 254K
Assessing the Effectiveness of Various Riparian Buffer Vegetation Types, SRL137, 119K
A History of Wheat Improvement at Kansas State University, SRL136, 160K
Synthetic Weed Barrier Mulches for Promoting Survival and Growth of Tree Seedlings, SRL135, 205K
Relationship between Tillering and Grain Yield of Kansas Wheat Varieties, SRL134,134K
Planting Date Effects on Tiller Development and Productivity of Wheat, SRL133, 103K
Acronyms Used in Agricultural Literature, SRL132, 55K
Late Emergence Effects on Agronomic Characteristics of Wheat, SRL131, 22K
Grain Quality Components of Corn Hybrids, SRL130, 447K
Effects of Alfalfa on Wheat Establishment, SRL129, 224K
Performance of Wheat Variety Blends in Kansas, SRL128, 70K
Response of BT Corn to Simulated Hail Damage, SRL127, 80K
International Contributions to the Improvement and Marketing of Kansas Wheat, SRL126, 118K
Evaluation of Winter Durum Wheat for Kansas, SRL125, 96K
Preharvest Sprouting of Hard Red and Hard White Wheats in Kansas, SRL124, 70K
Inhibition of Wheat by Sorghum Residue Under Several Tillage Systems, SRL123 294K
Protect Streambanks with Trees, SRL122, 279K
Note: Revision with color art was produced for author's use only in 2010: Riparian Forests Protect Streambanks, SRL122rev, 2010, 538K

Field Symptom-Response of Sorghum Hybrids Infected by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus, Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Strain MDMV-B, and Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus, SRL121, 49K
Hard White Winter Wheat for Kansas, SRL120.pdf, 74K
Growth and Survival of Wheat Seedlings After Dehydration and Rehydration, SRL119.pdf, 72K
Forage Yield and Soilborne Mosaic Virus Resistance of Several Varieties of Rye, Triticale and Wheat, SRL118.pdf, 31K
Dormant-Season Seeding of Alfalfa SRL117, 22K
Response of Drilled Early Corn to Several Plant Populations SRL116, 39K
Planting Wheat Seed Damaged by Sprouting Before Harvest, SRL115, 30K
Planting Wheat Seed Damaged by Frost Before Harvest, SRL114, 34K
Use of Long Days to Time Flowering of "Freedom Red" Poinsettia, SRL113, 52K
Soybean Response to Row Spacing and Seeding Rates in Northeast Kansas, SRL112 70K
Soybean Variety Choices for Increased Resistance to Pendimethalin Herbicide, SRL111, 203K
Field Symptom-Response of Sorghum Hybrids Infected by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus, SRL110, 45K
Interseeding Alfalfa into Declining Alfalfa Stands, SRL109, 59K
Soybean Choices for Iron-Deficient Soils, SRL108, 46K
Evaluation of Late Planting Opportunities for Winter Wheat, SRL107, 28K
Using Reduced Rates of Postemergence Herbicides in Soybeans, SRL106, 40K
Effects of Early-Cutting Management on Forage Yield and Quality of Alfalfa in Northeast Kansas, SRL105, 414K
Symptom Response of Sorghum Hybrids Infected by Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Strain MDMV-B, 1992, SRL104, 885K
Days Suitable for Fieldwork in Kansas, SRL103, 88K
Winter Wheat Performance Following Seed Treatment in South Central Kansas, 1991, SRL102, 1.7MB
Influence of Seed Size on Winter Wheat Performance Tests (1991), SRL101, 103K
Economic Evaluation of Season-Long and Intensive-Early Stocking Systems, SRL100, 42K
Pinching Poinsettia Cultivars, 1989, SRL99, 1.6MB
Field Evaluations of Selected Insecticides to Control Russian Wheat Aphid on Winter Wheat, 1988, SRL98, 1.7MB
Corn-Soybean Cropping Sequences in the Kansas River Valley, SRL97, 35K
Raw Soybeans in the Diets of Sheep SRL96, 25K
Insecticides for Control of Sunflower Moth Larvae on Sunflower, 1988, SRL95, 1.4MB
Continuous Cropping of Dryland Grain Sorghum, 1987, SRL94, 1.1MB
Use-Value Appraisal of Farmland, 1987, SRL93, 2.2MB
Field Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of Alfalfa Weevil Larvae, SRL92, 42K
Lifetime Production Performance by Suffolk x Rambouillet Ewes in Northwestern Kansas, SRL91, 30K (1986)
Disease Reaction of Sorghum Hybrids to Infection by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Strains A and B, SRL90, 115K
Competition and Control of Annual Bromes in Winter Wheat, 1986, SRL89, 1.5MB
Fall-Applied Herbicides for Eliminating Endophyte-Infested Fescue, SRL88, 235K
Fall Application of Herbicides for Musk Thistle Control, 1985, SRL87, 1.3MB
Performance Test of Birdsfoot Trefoil in Eastern Kansas, SRL86, 32K
Disease Reaction of Sorghum Hybrids to Infection by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Strain A, SRL85, 144K
Chemical Control of the Alfalfa Weevil, 1985, SRL84, 1.2MB
Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization of Irrigated Alfalfa, 1984, SRL83, 1.7MB
Predicting Pecan Nut Casebearer Activity in Southeast Kansas, SRL82, 112K
Soybeans Tolerant of Iron Chlorosis, 1984, SRL81, 1.2MB
Control of Winter Annual Grasses in South Central Kansas, 1984, SRL80, 1.6MB
Effectiveness of Paraquat As Influenced by Carrier Volume and Climatic Conditions, 1984, SRL79, 1.2MB
Residual Herbicides for Use in the Wheat-Fallow System, 1984, SRL78, 1.7MB
Pearl Millet, a Potential Crop for Kansas, 1984, SRL77, 1.8MB
Research on Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow in Western Kansas, 1984, SRL76, 1.6MB
Greenbug Control on Grain Sorghum, 1984, SRL75, 1.3MB
Effect of Seed Size and Density on Winter Wheat Performance, 1984, SRL74, 1.7MB
Soil Wetting Agents, 1983, SRL73, 2.3MB
Phosphate Fertilizer Management for Irrigated Corn Production, 1983, SRL72, 3.4MB
Pale Western Cutworm Control on Wheat, 1983, SRL71, 1.2MB
Proso Millet as a Crop Alternative, SRL70, 29K
Reduced Tillage Cropping Systems for Southwest Kansas, 1983, SRL69, 1.4MB
Response of Soybean Varieties to Different Planting Dates in Southeastern Kansas, 1983, SRL68, 1.6MB
Efficient Storage of Soil Moisture with the Wheat-Sorghum-Fallow System, 1983, SRL67, 1.3MB
Wheat in Lamb Rations, 1982, SRL66, 2.3MB
Herbicides for Use on High pH Soils in the Wheat Fallow System in Southwest Kansas, 1982, SRL65, 1.3MB
Production by Crossbred Ewes (Finn-Dorset x Rambouillet) in Northwestern Kansas, 1982, SRL64, 901K
Selecting Sorghum Hybrids for the Wheat·Sorghum·Fallow System in Southwest Kansas, 1982, SRL63, 971K
High Population, Narrow Row Dryland Sorghum for Southwest Kansas, 1982, SRL62, 1MB
Nitrogen Fertilization of Dryland Wheat in Southwest Kansas, 1982, SRL61, 1 MB
Field Comparisons of Irrigation Scheduling by Neutron Probe and a Computerized Water Balance, 1982, SRL60, 1 MB
Conventional and Reduced Tillage Methods in Corn Production, 1982, SRL59, 1 MB
Yield and Water Use of Alfafa, 1982, SRL58, 918K
Insecticides Applied at Planting Time or as Foliar Sprays to Control Chinch Bugs on Grain Sorghum, 1982, SRL57, 1 MB
Chinch Bug Resistance in Commercial Grain and Forage Sorghum Hybrids, 1982, SRL56, 819K
Tillage and No-preplant Tillage Compared for Grain Sorghum and Soybean Production in North-central Kansas, 1982, SRL55, 907K
Seeding Rates of Wheat With Tall Fescue, 1981, SRL54, 859K
Kentucky Bluegrasses for Turf, 1981, SRL53, 1.7MB
Perennial Ryegrasses for Turf, 1981, SRL52, 991K
How Burning and Other Methods of Removing Irrigated Crop Residues Affect Yields and Soils, 1981, SRL51, 848K
Fescue Turfgrasses, 1981, SRL50, 1.1MB
Try Some "Super Thick" Sorghum (rev.), 1982, SRL49, 987K
Performance Tests of Red Clover Varieties in Eastern Kansas, 1980, SRL48, 967K
How Nitrification Inhibitors Perform in Kansas, 1980, SRL47, 1.2MB
Nematicide Treatment of Corn in Western Kansas, 1980, SRL46, 799K
Using a Programmable Calculator to Schedule lrrigation, 1980, SRL45, 930K
Overseedlng Bermudagrass to Cool-season Grasses, 1979, SRL44, 875K
Data Needs of Kansas Park and Recreation Agency Administrators, 1979, SRL43, 1MB
Using Foliar and Planting-time Insecticides to Control Chinch Bugs in Grain Sorghum, 1979, SRL42, 926K
Managing Irrigated Crop Residue, 1978, SRL41, 852K
Interseeding Legumes into Cool-Season Grasses, 1978, SRL40, 5.9MB
Limited Irrigation of Grain Sorghum, 1978, SRL39, 595K
Residual Effects of Phosphorus on Dryland, Grain Sorghum (Milo), 1978, SRL38, 805K
Managing Southwestern Corn Borer Populations in Irrigated Kansas Corn, 1978, SRL37, 2MB
Flowering Crabapple Evaluations, 1972-77, 1978, SRL36, 986K
A Survey of Home Canning In Three Kansas Counties, 1977, SRL35, 970K
Effect of Soil-moisture Depletion on Corn Production, 1977, SRL34, 1MB
Two-year Test Results Suggest Caution with Dinoseb as a Yield Stimulant for Corn or Grain Sorghum, 1977, SRL33, 762K
Evapotranspiration from Corn, Sorghum, Soybean, and Winter Wheat, 1977, SRL32, 904K
Effect of Soil Moisture Depletion on Soybeans, 1977, SRL31, 885K
An Easy Method of Estimating Potential Evapotranspiration, 1977, SRL30, 899K
Report of 1976 Herbicide Data, 1976, SRL29, 4.7MB
Seasonal Pasture for Ewes in Northwestern Kansas, 1977, SRL28, 1MB
Summer Injection of 2,4-D and Tordon Herbicides to Control Unwanted Trees in Kansas Woodlands, 1976, SRL27, 1.2MB
Controlling Soilborne Wheat Mosaic, 1976, SRL26, 843K
Controlling Weeds in Wheat Stubble in Extreme Western Kansas, 1976, SRL25, 1MB
Legume Rotations-Crop Yields and Nitrogen Fixation, 1976, SRL24, 717K
Graze First-Year Native Grass Plantings, SRL23, 23K
Report of 1975 Herbicide Data, SRL22, 5.8MB
Killing Unwanted Trees With Tordon 101 Mixture, 1975, SRL21, 1MB
Effect of Mud on the Market Value of Slaughter Cattle, 1975, SRL20, 890K
Irrigating Corn in Extreme West-Central Kansas, 1975, SRL19, 810K
Irrigating Soybeans With Limited Water, 1975, SRL18, 797K
Irrigating Corn and Grain Sorghum With Limited Water, 1975, SRL17, 832K
How Planting Date and Maturing Time Influence Losses of Irrigated Corn to Southwestern Corn Borers, 1975, SRL16, 853K
Report of 1974 Herbicide Data, SRL15, 6.6MB
Two Ways to Fight Alfalfa Weevils, 1975, SRL14, 907K
Continuous and Interrupted Supplemental Protein Feeding Compared, 1974, SRL13, 1MB
Feeding Holstein Bulls and Steers for Beef Production, 1974, SRL12, 704K
Roughage Sources Evaluated for Growing Heifers, 1974, SRL11, 881K
Creep Feeding Fall Calves on Fescue Pasture, 1974, SRL10, 656K
Soybean Herbicide Performance in Southeastern Kansas, 1974, SRL9, 902K
Bermudagrass Varieties in Southeastern Kansas, 1974, SRL8, 789K
Controlling Wheat-Streak Mosaic, 1974, SRL7, 681K
Forage From Small Grain Crops, SRL6, 876K
Controlling Velvetleaf in Soybeans with Basagran, 1974, SRL5, 730K
Soil Tillage Effects on Soil Moisture and Grain Sorghum Yield, SRL4, 820K
Herbicides for Weeds in Soybeans, 1974, SRL3, 804K
Controlling Johnsongrass in Soybeans, 1974, SRL2, 791K
Report of 1973 Herbicide Data, SRL1, 6.8MB